Supplier information

Supplier information

Supplier information

We are constantly evaluating our supplier base and seeking new innovative suppliers that can help us create value to our customers.

If you are interested in becoming a KONE supplier, please submit your company data by submitting this form.

For any assistance in filling in the form, please read the quick guide here (in English).

For existing suppliers

From March 19, 2018, KONE started to use electronic invoicing as a preferred alternative and gradually as the only invoicing option for suppliers. Delivering invoice in electronic format helps increase the speed in invoice delivery, improve data quality and at the same time reduce carbon footprint of the process.



Information for KONE Suppliers

KONE Supplier Code of Conduct

The KONE Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) illustrates the values according to which KONE operates globally. KONE expects its suppliers to conform to the requirements of the Code in their dealings with KONE, their own employees and suppliers, as well as third parties including government officials and others.

Report a complience concern

Help ensure that KONE’s values are followed throughout our entire supply chain by reporting suspected violations of our Supplier Code of Conduct. You can report such concerns confidentially through KONE’s Compliance Line.

Send electronic invoice to KONE

KONE uses electronic invoice format as the preferred alternative and gradually as the only invoicing option. There are several ways for our suppliers to send invoices to KONE.

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